Sunday, December 13, 2015

Hole in the wall canyon

With a good crew of friends a day was planned for "Hole in the wall" canyon. I hadn't visited for somewhere in the vicinity of 20 years and upon arrival at the car park it was mildly busy with various groups heading off to visit an assortment of different canyons. With perfect weather and cooler conditions we had a fantastic low key day weaving our way through a beautiful canyon at a relaxed pace.

Another party of six caught up with us in the canyon and towards the end we all had some fun inching past two stubborn tiger snakes that had been sunning themselves in a narrow squeeze before retreating into a rock shelf only 2 metres away posing a fairly convincing threat.
The tunnel section had an amazing abundance of glow worms which were a fantastic sight as we clambered our way up and through the tight cleft and out to the next constriction.



We all emerged at the exit point and had lunch with the other group and agreed that it was definitely a worthwhile canyon and what it may have lacked in length it certainly makes up for with beauty. The walk back gave us time to ramble about future trips and with ice cold beer at the car as incentive, we floated along feeling recharged and ready for the next adventure.